Thursday, June 20

Pixi Glow Tonic

Thanks to skincare expert and blogger Caroline, I would say this is probably one of the most sought after products at the moment and after totally buying into the hype surrounding the phenomenon that is Pixi Glow Tonic, I visited the Carnaby Street store one too many times in order to get my hands on this toner and after incorporating it into my daily regime once/twice a day, I can confirm it is incredible and has become a must have.

Described as a dupe for P50 by Caroline (I'm yet to try P50), although a lot less pennies at only £16, this toner is both oil and alcohol free and works to tone, firm and tighten the skin whilst exfoliating away dead skin cells with the Glycolic Acid ingredient. Glycolic Acid is an acid exfoliating ingredient that my skin currently loves and although I find anything with it in the ingredients leaves my skin looking and feeling great, using this product daily has worked especially beautifully and has helped to put my skin in such a nice, clear condition, where for the first time in quite a while, I'm happy to go make up free.
Other than Glycolic Acid which is the seventh ingredient, this also includes Ginseng, Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel which are the main ingredients that work towards toning, firming, softening and tightening the skin and together, work a treat.

When it comes to skin care, I've tried a fair bit, but deserve a little bit of a slap on the wrists as toning is the step that up until now I have missed out, pretty frequently. However, since noticing a huge difference in the overall condition of my skin, I've realised just how important it is and it will most certainly not be a step I miss out on from here on. 

I am ever so pleased with this Pixi Glow Tonic and if I have sucked you further into the hype surrounding this Pixi Skin Treat, it costs £16 and is available to buy in the Pixi Store in Fouberts Place, London, although there's a possibility there will be a waiting list, so it's worth giving them a call first. 

Have you tried the Pixi Glow Tonic? What's your go-to skin treat?



  1. I really want to try this toner! I've heard sooooo many great reviews about it. I really need to incorporate a toner into my skin care routine, I'm also guilty of not having one on the go! xx

  2. I really want to try these, I just wish it was more readily available!


  3. Love glycolic acid!! Want to try this.


  4. Hmmm it baffles me that Pixi have churned out a product like this, very reasonable price though and i completely agree with you on stepping up the toner front - this does sound good! Though it really really makes me want a glass of fruit juice, just me? ok! x

  5. we can't get this glo tonic in the states, but I really like using the mario badescu glycolic toner!

  6. I really want to try this as it sounds amazing and it is much cheaper to many of the alternatives floating around at the moment :)
    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing

  7. Its such a shame I don't live in London! Dying to get my hands on this stuff!

  8. I really want to get my hands on this stuff, I wish they sold it online! I'm really bad at leaving out toner too!


  9. I've heard so much about this but knowing how much of a hassle it would be to pick up a bottle completely disappoints me. I have enough trouble finding certain skin care products in my area I don't think I need to add another to the list (although I am very interested in trying it..)

  10. I really want to try the glow tonic, but I haven't been able to find it on any online store :(.

  11. I managed to get hold of this in prep of my consultation with Caroline as I'm trying to pin down my skincare routine as age and my bad habits finally start catching up with me!


  12. thanks for the recommendation! can't wait to try it! love,

  13. This is just the best product I've ever used. I used to live in London so could pop in, but I've moved now and am running out. However the store will ship it to me for £5 which is cheaper than the travel down there! Best Toner there is!

    Laura x

  14. I will be looking for this the next time I'm in Target! I've heard lots of good stuff about this toner! Thanks for the awesome review to convince me some more :)

    Kristina | Beauty With Compassion


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