Friday, July 27

Chanel Pop Up Boutique- Covent Garden

I thought I would share these photos with you that I took whilst in Covent Garden the other day.
Although I wasn't too fussed about the Chanel Pop Up Store, I had kind of fallen for the hype surrounding it and rushed straight over to have a nose.

It is the most beautifully put together shop and is definitely worth a little look if you're into all of the beautiful Chanel Beauty and Fragrance ranges. 

Outside are two of the best ever Taxis I have ever seen. Pink Chanel taxis, what a dream! 

I've decided that as a little belated birthday treat, I'm going to pop back in the next week or so and buy a couple of products I have had my eye on for a while, so watch this space!



  1. Those photos are gorgeous! I love the taxis too, so cute! :) looking forward to seeing what you buy next time! :) x

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get there again next week so keep your eye out ;)

  2. my office is just around the corner from here, i cant believe i didnt know this was here!! xx

    1. Oh really? I hope you've taken a little trip! It's amazing

  3. that car is such a classic! :p


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